Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and EV Charging Rates

Electric vehicles (EVs) are now becoming a more common sight on Cayman's roads and in July 2019, as part of the National Energy Policy, the Cayman Islands Government announced that it had cut the import duty on some electric vehicles and bicycles down to 0% (and has reduced import duty rates of electric and hybrid electric vehicles generally). The goal is to encourage people to buy environmentally friendly vehicles and to play a major part in cutting the amount of 'fossil fuel use' on the roads and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Charging Stations                

Electric vehicles require the batteries to be charged, often by use of charging stations. Though EVs can typically be trickle charged through a normal 120v plug, private EV charging stations can be installed to speed up charging an EV from home. There are also a significant number of FREE public charging stations located across Grand Cayman. The below-linked charging stations are Level 2 chargers - there are currently no Level 3 charge stations in Grand Cayman. Please note that the operability of these stations is subject to change and the listing may not reflect all EV Charging locations available, as more businesses are adding EV chargers for their patrons and occupants.

Note: CUC has no affiliation with current listed charging stations nor does CUC maintain them.


Time of Use EV Charging Rates  

While customers can install EV Charging equipment at their home or business as part of their regular service offering, CUC also has a special service offering available where customers can have a direct meter (or sub-meter) to their EV Charger and utilize Time of Use (TOU) EV Charging Rates. Under these rates, where the EV Charger is used in the Off Peak Period, the Energy Charge billing rate associated with the EV charging is reduced from their normal retail rate. Similarly, if the EV Charger is used during the On-Peak Period, the Energy Charge billing rate associated with the EV charging is increased as compared to the normal billing rate. Therefore, customers who choose to utilize the EV Charging Service rates can benefit from utilizing their charger for energy during periods when there is an abundance of generating capacity. 

Customers seeking to apply for the EV Charging Service rates will require the installation of an additional or specific meter for their EV Charging circuit, which may require changes to their service location characteristics and necessitate an electrical inspection by Building Control, in compliance with CUC's Customer Service Code. To apply, customers will need to start the process by completing the EV Charger Special Service Form. Please see below for the EV Charging Rates and Terms of Service.

CUC Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Programme Information

Customers with any questions regarding EV Chargers and CUC's Time of Use EV Charging Rates should contact the Customer Service team at service@cuc.ky or via live chat for more information.


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