Tree Trimming

CUC's Tree Trimming Programme is aimed at keeping over 400 miles of transmission and distribution lines clear of trees and undergrowth. Through our focus on effective vegetation management, which includes periodic inspection of power lines and information provided by customers, we can identify trees that are growing too close to power lines and thereby causing concern for public safety and reliability.  
Property owners are responsible to ensure that trees and other vegetation avoid encroachment on the transmission and distribution system space.  Ideally, trees and other vegetation should be trimmed regularly or otherwise planted outside the power line corridor. However, for safety reasons, if trees or vegetation grow within 10 feet of power lines, trimming or clearing work must be undertaken by qualified personnel and CUC should be contacted to arrange this work. 


While CUC has a legal right to remove or trim any trees or shrubs located near power lines by way of The Electricity Law, Section 22 (1), we prefer to work with our customers in preserving as much of the Island’s natural foliage as possible. 
See the below guide document for more information. To request tree trimming visit: Tree Trimming Request Form.
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