Damage Claims

A damage claim may be initiated by any customer or person seeking compensation for alleged damages to property and/or equipment. All claims must be submitted to CUC within 30 days of the damages being sustained to initiate a claim investigation by the Customer Service team. Claim investigations will be completed within 10 business days of receipt of the claim, except where additional information may be required by the customer or a related party in the course of the investigation.

CUC shall not be held liable for any failure to supply Service for any cause beyond its reasonable control, nor shall it be held liable for any loss, damage or injury caused by the use of Services or resulting from any cause beyond the reasonable control of the company.

CUC will offer settlement for damages to a customer's electrical equipment resulting from any cause within the reasonable control of the Company for the distribution system up to the service connection point that would result in a voltage outside the acceptable limits provided in the Transmission & Distribution Code, provided the customer has effective grounding (and, in the case of sensitive electrical equipment, surge suppression) in place. CUC will also offer settlement for damages to a customer's property or equipment where, in the course of its work and within the reasonable control of the Company, the customer's property or equipment is damaged as a result of the work undertaken.

CUC shall not be found to be liable for any damage as a result of an act of God (including but not limited to storms), vehicle accidents, power interruptions for planned or required work, emergency actions by police, fire, or emergency services, and third-party interference in respect to the electrical system.

In all cases, customers are encouraged to install protective devices to protect their property against potential causes for transient over-voltage events. 

Customer's may initiate the claim investigation process for any damage to or loss of equipment (or food loss) due to surges in the electricity supply outside of the acceptable limits, or damage caused to property or equipment as the result of CUC work undertaken. To do so, customers may complete the submit to CUC the below claim forms, as may be applicable.

The claim process can take up to 10 business days for full investigation of the fault or incident. Claimants are encouraged to provide as much information as possible at the outset of the claim in order to reduce the need to seek additional information in the course of the investigation process. If you have any questions please contact the Claims team at claims@cuc.ky or the Customer Service team at service@cuc.ky.

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