T&D Standards
The standards provided below cover the material and construction details for electricity transmission and distribution equipment for CUC. In general, CUC intends to meet or exceed the minimum requirements of the NESC. The text and drawings are intended to coordinate with and supplement each other, and to establish consistency in the design of additions and modifications to Cayman’s transmission and distribution (T&D) system. A copy of the T&D
These specifications and standards of construction shall be followed without deviation for all new construction and renewals or replacements of existing CUC facilities. When conditions require deviation from standard construction, approval must be obtained from the Senior Standards Engineer in CUC’s Engineering Services team. Suggestions for changes to these standards may also be made to the Senior Standards Engineer.
All new extension or modifications require an approved design using CUC’s Standards and a pre-construction meeting with CUC prior to installation.
Existing lines shall not be changed solely to conform to these specifications unless required to eliminate hazardous conditions, or when specifically directed. Generally, the following procedure shall be observed:
a) When new poles are installed, all construction on the pole shall conform to these specifications.
b) When additional circuits are installed, existing conductors are replaced, or conductor sizes are increased, the arrangement of circuits, clearances, and strength of guying and supporting structures to which the additional circuits or new conductors are attached, shall conform to these specifications.
T&D Code
Transmission and Distribution (T&D) Code is designed to facilitate the development, maintenance and
operation of an efficient, coordinated and economical system for the transmission & distribution of electricity, to facilitate the generation and supply of electricity and to promote the security and efficiency of the power system as a whole.