Billing Disputes

Customers may request an explanation of their bill, or aspects of their bill, from the Customer Services department:

  • By e-mail to
  • By calling (345) 949-5200
  • By visiting CUC's Customer Service Center located at Caribbean Plaza, 878 West Bay Road

Where a customer believes that there has been an error in the application of billed charges, subject to their Terms of Service, they may request a formal review and dispute of their charges. Customer disputes must be submitted in writing to CUC’s Manager, Customer Services in order to initiate the formal review process and timeline, as detailed in the Customer Service Code.

Where a customer has submitted a formal electricity bill dispute, they are advised to continue paying all their electricity bills during the Dispute Resolution Process (inclusive of disputed amounts). While a customer's account will not be subject to disconnection related to the specific disputed charges during the review process, finance charges will be applicable for unpaid amounts where more than 60 days have elapsed from the original bill date.

In the event that the disputed charges are found to be incorrect, in part or in full, the corrective amount will be reimbursed or credited to the customer’s account.


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