In alignment with the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), published in 2017, and the National Energy Policy (NEP), a new programme for the growth of customer-owned, distributed renewable generation was introduced in January 2018 after review and approval by the Utility Regulation and Competition Office (OfReg).
The Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Programme allows for customers to self-consume electricity generated by their own renewable energy system, avoiding equivalent retail consumption-related charges from the grid in doing so via a net-metering structure. Additionally, customers are able to sell to CUC any excess electricity produced and exported to the grid at an avoided cost-of-generation credit rate. Incorporating the lessons learned by other jurisdictions from early net-metering programmes, DER customers are billed with a demand rate structure. The use of demand rates aligns the fixed costs of providing a grid interconnection and standby provision to the customer with demand charges, avoiding any potential cross-subsidization of service assets.
The DER Programme will allow for the continued growth and participation of customers in the renewable energy sector without placing upward pressures on electricity rates for all consumers, which will help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the country’s carbon footprint. Customers may apply to interconnect renewable energy systems through the DER Programme, subject to available capacity limits set by their service characteristics, the DER Programme terms, and grid system and technical limitations.
For further information and the submission of application forms, e-mail us at
To apply to the DER Programme please click here
Some customers with renewable energy systems may also choose to install battery storage for grid backup or other purposes. Customers seeking to install battery storage should complete and submit the Battery Installation Application Form to ensure all technical requirements are met.
For further information see attached.