
CUC accounts typically become eligible for disconnection when a balance of CI$60 or greater remains unpaid from a prior billing and is brought forward on the current's month billing statement; however, CUC provides customers with multiple notifications of pending disconnection prior to shutting off a delinquent service.

Customers with a valid email address and who have signed up to receive eBilling are provided a “balance due” notification upon their due date for any account balance remaining. This notification is intended to be a reminder for customers to remit payment prior to the issuance of their next billing statement.

Subsequently, all billing statements carrying a delinquent balance at the time of the statement issuance will display a “Disconnection Notice” prominently on the upper part of the statement and a due date equivalent to the statement date. Additional information is provided to the customer indicating their account is eligible for disconnection and to remit payment at their earliest opportunity, or to communicate to CUC in the event the customer needs to request an extension or payment plan.

Lastly, customers will receive via email, SMS, and/or automated phone call, depending on the contact details available to CUC, a final disconnection notice at least 2 business days prior to when the disconnection will occur.  In order to receive disconnection communications, it is important to ensure contact details remain up to date with CUC.  To verify the contact details CUC has on file, please review the top right hand corner of your bill.  For more information on how to update account contact information, see Update Contact Information and Sign up for E-billing.

Following an account being disconnected for non-payment of a delinquent balance, there is a $60 disconnection fee levied against the customer’s account.

CUC publishes a disconnection schedule on our website every month at Disconnection Schedule.

If a customer is unable to make the necessary payment in advance of disconnection, they are encouraged to reach out to the customer service team as soon as possible to discuss their available options.  Typical turnaround time for emailed communications can sometimes be in excess of one day, as such please request extensions or payment plans immediately upon receiving notice of pending disconnection.  For more information regarding extended payment options, please see how to apply for a Payment Extension or Payment Plan.

To make a payment when disconnected, see our payment methods: Remote Payment Agents or With a Debit or Credit Card. Please note that other methods of payment may have delays in processing, which would impact the timing for your account to be reconnected.

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