Dispute Resolution Process

CUC has a formal Dispute Resolution Process to protect customers' rights to issue a dispute in respect to billed charges or a decision rendered by CUC and ensure that the matter is formally reviewed by senior management.

Where a customer is of the position that CUC has made an error in fact or application of the Customer Service Code, terms of service, or other applicable Laws and Regulations, they may issue a formal dispute to CUC to commence the review and resolution process.

If you have raised your concern to the attention of our Customer Services Team and remain dissatisfied with the outcome, the below provides information and timelines to guide you through the Dispute Resolution Process, as detailed in CUC's Customer Service Code.

In the event of electricity bill disputes, Customers are advised to pay all their electric bills during the Dispute Resolution Process. Customers in the Dispute Resolution Process will not have their electricity service disconnected in respect a disputed amount; however, the account may be eligible for disconnection should balances other than the disputed amount remain unpaid. Late payment charges will continue to accrue until the disputed bill(s) are paid in full unless the bill(s) are found to be incorrect, in which case, all the charges associated with the dispute will be reimbursed or credited to the customer’s account. 


Filing a Formal Dispute
All customers have the right to file a dispute with CUC in respect to billed amounts or a decision made by the Company which the customer believes to be incorrect in fact or application. Formal disputes must be submitted in writing within three months of the date of the bill in question or decision rendered.


Formal disputes may be sent via email to feedback@cuc.ky with subject line:

Formal Customer Dispute - Attn: Manager Customer Services

Alternatively, disputes may be sent via post or delivered to CUC's offices addressed as below:
Subject: Formal Customer Dispute
Attn: Manager Customer Services
Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd.
P.O. Box 38, Grand Cayman KY1-1101
Cayman Islands


The following information must be included as part of the dispute submission:

  • Identification of service location (CUC Account Number, street address, and/or block and parcel number) associated with the dispute.
  • The charge or decision in dispute and the date of the bill or rendering of an initial decision by CUC.
  • Statement of reason(s) why you believe the charge or other determination by CUC is incorrect in fact or application.
  • Any supporting documentation related to the matter.

CUC will provide a response within 10 business days of receipt of a formal dispute.

Where Customers are not satisfied with the decision of the Manager, Customer Services, they may appeal for internal review by the Vice President, Customer Services & Technology


Filing of an Appeal
Customers filling an appeal following review of their dispute submission by the Manager, Customer Services must do so, in writing, no later than 10 business days from the date of the response letter. Where the circumstances are such that additional time may be required to file an appeal, Customers must file a petition for extension to appeal prior to the the initial appeal deadline.


Written appeals may be sent via email to feedback@cuc.ky with the subject line:

Appeal of Dispute Decision - Attn: Vice President Customer Services & Technology

Alternatively, written appeals may be sent via post or delivered to CUC's offices addressed as below:
Subject: Initial Appeal of Dispute Decision
Attn: Vice President Customer Services & Technology
Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd.
P.O. Box 38
Grand Cayman KY1-1101
Cayman Islands


The following must be included in the Initial Appeal letter:

  • Identification of the service location (CUC Account Number, street address, and/or block and parcel number) associated with the dispute.
  • The charge or decision in dispute and the date of the bill or rendering of an initial decision by CUC.
  • The decision provided by the Manager, Customer Services in relation to the initial dispute review.
  • Statement of reason(s) why you believe the charge or decision is incorrect in fact or application.
  • Any supporting documentation related to the matter.

The Vice President, Customer Services & Technology will provide a response to the appeal, in writing, within 30 days of receipt.

If the appeal decisions finds that the charges in a disputed bill are correct, any outstanding payment must be made in full immediately to avoid potential disconnection of service.

If the charges are determined to be incorrect upon appeal, direction will be provided for CUC to undertake the necessary corrections to the Customer’s account to reimburse the amount in error.

Following the appeal process, if a Customer remains dissatisfied with the outcome, they may file their dispute with the Cayman Islands Utility Regulation and Competition Office (OfReg). Please refer to OfReg’s website (www.OfReg.ky) for a description of OfReg’s dispute resolution process. 


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