Adding a Co-Applicant to Your Account:
You can add one relative, spouse or roommate to your account so it will reflect both names on the bill (ie. Jane &/or John Doe). However, due to our current system character limitations the persons must have the same last name.
To add a name to the account we require a new Application for Electrical Service completed by both individuals and signed. A copy of both photo ID's will also be required. This process is described here.
While our system is currently unable to accommodate multiple last names on an account, if your co-owner or co-leaser needs a copy of a bill in their name for documentation purposes, such as opening a bank account; they can be added as a third party contact for the account. This will issue two separate utility bills, one in your name and one in theirs. However, you will remain listed as the account holder for the account and will be lawfully responsible for the charges accumulated. To request this addition to the account a Directive Form will need to be completed by the account holder and supplied along with a copy of a Photo ID to the customer service team.
A third party name can be removed by following the same process as above, and indicating your request on the Customer Directive form.
Removing a Co-Applicant From Your Account:
To remove a name from an account, (a divorced spouse for example) a new CUC account will have to be created. Our processes and procedures require that a history be maintained from the time the account was opened, when the name was added, and then the account closed. This means that the existing account under both names will be closed and a new account under one name opened.
This process will follow our Applying for Electrical Service requirements here.