Security Lighting

In additional to metered electricity services, CUC also provides dusk to dawn security lights for use by customers. Customers may apply to have CUC install security lighting on their property, which will be billed to them on a monthly basis. 

Rates for security lighting will depend on the wattage of the light(s), whether it is mounted on existing distribution pole infrastructure or would require a new pole be installed, and whether it requires overhead or underground service wiring. 

Security lighting rates are comprised of a base rate aspect, subject to annual review as part of the Rate Cap and Adjustment Mechanism (RCAM) described in CUC's Licence, and an energy rate aspect related to the source of energy pass-through costs, which are reviewed and updated quarterly.

If your security light is damaged or ceases to operate properly, please report it to CUC so a repair work order can be dispatched.

CUC also provides public street lighting along public roadways, subject to the direction of the National Roads Authority.

For more information about security lighting, including currently available light wattages and rates, please reach out to our Customer Service team by calling 949-5200, emailing or contacting us via live chat.

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